Occupational and Physiotherapy Services

Within School District No. 42, Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physiotherapy (PT) services are provided jointly by the District and Ridge Meadows Child Development Centre. OTs & PTs are health care professionals who are included in the educational team and use a collaborative, consultation approach to plan appropriate intervention to meet student needs. Therapists have a strong background in adapting tasks to enable function and independence.

OT and PT Resources

Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Resources for School

Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Resources for Home


  • Assessment of student needs
  • Consultation with educational staff and families
  • Program planning
  • In-service training for educational staff
  • Liaison with community health agencies
  • Involvement with the IEP process
  • Transition Planning (into Kindergarten, high school and post-graduation)

Occupational Therapy

OTs support the success of all students at school by working with individual students, classrooms and school staff as needed. OTs main focus is optimizing student participation in school work, self-care and play.  Specific areas include:

  • Fine Motor/Written Output
  • Sensory/Self-Regulation
  • Body Awareness/Coordination
  • Self-Care/Transfers


PTs help students to improve their mobility, independence, participation and physical fitness. The goal is to promote functional independence for each student within the school and community and to enhance their educational goals. Specific areas include:

  • Assessment of Gross Motor – strength, balance & coordination
  • Gross Motor Programming – physical education inclusion
  • Equipment Prescription & Monitoring – walkers, standers, wheelchairs, orthoses
  • Transfers & Lift Training
  • Mobility & Positioning in the school environment

Access to Consultative OT and PT Therapy Services

Each school is assigned an OT & PT. The support team at each school identify participation needs and collaborate with their school therapists as needed.